A Level English Language and Literature

Deepen your understanding of both language and literature, and enrich your experience of English

Course Information (AQA 7707)

Duration: 1 or 2 year study options available 

Type: Part time 

Cost: £5000

Entry Requirements

You must have successfully completed your AS Level in English Language and Literature or have an English Langauge GCSE graded from 8+ . 

Course Content

This course draws on the academic field of Stylistics in order to create an integrated English Language and Literature course which brings together literary and non-literary discourses. By exploring a variety of texts you will learn how to integrate literary and linguistic fields, and share concepts about the way language choices create representations. This will allow you to analyse literary and non-literary texts in a range of modes and genres whilst developing a variety of skills that will allow you to develop higher interpretation and analytical thinking. Within this course you will study:

  • Remembered Places
  • Imagined Worlds
  • Poetic Voices
  • Writing about Society
  • Critical commentary
  • Dramatic Encounters
  • Making Connections

Methods of language analysis underpin each component: 

  • phonetics, phonology and prosodics – for example, the sounds of real speech and the patterns of sound symbolism (rhyme, alliteration, onomatopoeia) that some writers employ
  • lexis and semantics – for example, the connotations of words and phrases, metaphor and idiomatic language
  • grammar – for example, how the use of pronouns can shape narrative viewpoints
  • pragmatics – for example, the assumptions made about listeners/readers by the speaker’s/writer’s language choices
  • discourse – for example, the way different text types use particular features or routines, including aspects of visual design and layout. 

Method of Study

You will attend a 3 hour class each week where you will work collaboratively with your fellow students, where you will engage in stimulating discussions and classroom based exercises to support your development and learning. You will also be required to complete work at home independently. 

Method of Assessment

Paper 1: Telling Stories: Written exam (3 hours) worth 100 marks (40% of A-level)

  • Remembered places – the representation of place. Section A – Remembered places comprises one compulsory question on the AQA Anthology: Paris (40 marks). This section is closed book.
  • Imagined worlds – point of view and genre in prose. Section B – Imagined worlds comprises one question from a choice of two on prose set text (35 marks). This section is open book.
  • Poetic voices – the forms and functions of poetic voice. Section C – Poetic voices comprises one question from a choice of two on poetry set text (25 marks) .This section is open book.

Paper 2: Exploring Conflict: Written exam (2 hours 30 minutes) worth 100 marks (40% of A-level)

  • Writing about society – the role of the individual in society, and re-creative writing based on set texts. Section A – Writing about society comprises one piece of re-creative writing using set text (25 marks)
  • Critical commentary – evaluating own writing. Critical commentary (30 marks). This section is open book.
  • Dramatic encounters – conflict in drama. Section B – Dramatic encounters comprised one question from a choice of two on drama set text (45 marks). This section is open book.

What Can I Do Next?

This A Level in English is your gateway to a successful tomorrow. Attaining this qualification will allow you to progress into universities and provide you with better job and promotion prospects.  

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